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iTrain 5 Ultimate

This is the entry level of iTrain this versions gives you the following features.


  • Manual Control
  • Flexible Switchboard
  • Train Route (memory) 
  • Block Control
  • Fully automatic Driving
  • Decoder Programming
  • Extra train overview for second screen
  • Use of multiple computers and networking

These features will allow you to run your trains and have block control. You can create train routes so your trains drive to the destinations you desire. Signaling of the blocks will also work and change to suite the occupancy as the trains dive.

iTrain 5

iTrain 5 comes in four editions: Lite, Standard, Plus and Professional. They differ in the supported features and you can easily upgrade later by purchasing a new license. There is no need to do a reinstall or to make changes to your definitions.

In general the Lite edition is for users who only want to drive manually with their locomotive and to use the switchboard to easily set turnouts and signal.

The Standard edition adds fully automatic driving with or without routes and an additional interface.

The Plus edition adds decoder programming, extra train grid and overview for a second monitor and up to four interfaces.

The Professional edition contains everything including networking (use of multiple computers/phones/tablets at the same time with optionally different operating systems), use extra monitors with two extra switchboards and no restrictions on the number of objects.

In general buying iTrain 5 now gives you the right to upgrade to all upcoming 5.x versions without any costs. For future 6.x and later versions reasonable upgrade prices will be available. Support is available via our support forum. After payment you will receive your license key within a few days. In the summer holiday this may take some extra time.

Features / Specification

Preview 5.0

This page shows downloads of an early access version of iTrain 5.0 that is planned to be released in the fourth quarter of 2019.

We decided to drop the included Java (JRE) for legal reasons as there are again relatively small JRE downloads with installer available for Java version 11 and later via Bellsoft.

Here is a categorised list of the features that already have been implemented:

  • Dependency on Java 8 and using lambdas.
  • Plastic Look & Feel removed, because it is outdated and to get one less external dependency.
  • All form layouts refactored and made more consistent (JGoodies).
  • Support for serial remote control such as DIR removed.
  • New license key structure and formatting (Base64) with more space for address data.
  • New file browser for layout files (.tcd*) with preview: version, counts and switchboard.
  • Retrieval of directories uses new library (NIO.2) for faster retrieval over network.
  • Interface slots (with numbers) removed and interface editor just as all other objects with names.
  • Improved serial port lookup (RS232) for Linux.
  • Interface error over network so master client will show it.
  • FCC: Support reading of new longer SX2 slots when using firmware 1.13 or higher.
  • Support for roller track stand of KPF Zeller (Speed-Cat).
  • ArtNet: Added a transmission interval to set how often a universe packet will be sent in case of a change.
  • LocoNet virtual to control locs and accessories on other interfaces via a throttle or device on a LocoNet interface.
  • LocoNet: Switch acknowledgement can be set starting at a specific address instead of for all.
  • LocoNet extended functions from Daisy 2 are translated back to DCC commands for Digitrax command stations.
  • BiDiB: Replace IDs for new modules with the same user name as the old one.
  • NCE Power Pro/Cab support added for locs and accessories. AIU support still experimental.
  • Support for RZTec Speedbox added.
  • Digikeijs DR5000 in list of interfaces with LocoNet over USB as a comfort choice.
  • BiDiB support for binary functions.
  • BiDiB adds selection for feedback input devices.
  • Remove pseudo addresses for feedback monitor for BiDiB and OC32.
  • Selectrix virtual to control locs and accessories on other interfaces via a throttle.
  • LoDi-S88-Commander integration improved with current and short-circuit detection.
  • Dinamo support for 256 blocks for future RM-x.
  • Support for Lenz LZV200 command station reading CV values via main track.
  • Support for TAMS RedBox reading MFX UID and setting UID/SID combination.
  • Five way turnout added for segment turntable and for cars.
  • Turnout gets option spring tongue in addition to the manual option.
  • Crossing gets the same state feedback as turnout so you can be sure the bridge has closed.
  • Light item can be enlarged over multiple cells to show levels per channel.
  • Sound item displays the playing time in a bar and can be paused and dragged.
  • Sound item can be enlarged to display a level meter per channel.
  • Multiple addresses for OM32 and OC32 when using more than one output.
  • Pseudo addresses for accessories without an address to control them via a remote or other interface.
  • SBB N signals with display.
  • Searchlight signals for US (mix of BNSF/UP) and Canada.
  • British signals for 3 and 4 aspects with and without diverging.
  • Matching restricted speeds in signal states to the turnout speeds.
  • New general accessory type called 'Aspect' with 32 states.
  • Signal displays which can show different digits can be controlled via an 'Aspect' and be attached to a signal.
  • Belgian signals extended with speed displays for home and warning signals.
  • Digiturn DR5052 added as decoder type.
  • Relay and aspect state names can be adjusted.
  • Release of individual turnouts based on length with margin for better throughput.
  • Turnout editor shows grouped elements on tab 'Board item'.
  • Transfer table redesigned so it also works with decoders to set the step directly.
  • New accessory type 'Shift table' that resembles either a Fiddle Yard or Storage Lift.
  • Number of relais per state for a turnout can be extended by double clicking the header of the table.
  • Before using an actual turnout it will be switched actively at least once even if the state seems already correct.
  • Option to select device output for sound files.
  • Relay mappings for signals to switch a relay when a signal changes state.
  • Priority settings for path when one block has multiple paths to another block.
  • New viewer for block connections in a table in which only the priority can be changed.
  • Rewritten block reservations that takes the priority of the train type into account when a block becomes available.
  • Blocks and turnouts are reserved together at once or not at all.
  • Reserved start count added to train type so you can use this also when driving without routes.
  • Enter, wait and leave functions replaced with a limited set of action items.
  • Waiting position can be specified in route to alternatively let a train stop at the start or end.
  • Train routes should be specified per train to be able to select them.
  • New action to change the actual train based on a block to make locomotive change more flexible.
  • New action to execute something on the command line to start external processes.
  • Light state has duration parameter to gradually change levels over time.
  • Aspect accessory can be used as condition and as execution.
  • New accessory change action to toggle the state of an accessory the same as clicking on it.
  • New track route action to activate or release a track route.
  • New booster condition to take action on a booster status change.
  • New station action to change the state of station.
  • New time action to set the model clock to a specific day and time.
  • Actions to route and shunt a train from the current block to a specific block with a specific control type.
  • New train overview in which you can expand and collapse trains to see the composition.
  • Use Drag & Drop and delete key to change composition in overview.
  • New train panel with tabs for locs and wagons.
  • Short code for passenger coaches introduced.
  • Preferred direction added that can only be used in the non-preferred direction when using blue flash light.
  • Extra speed allowed when driving with blue flash light.
  • No check on space in next lane when no limit on number of cars.
  • Intersection extended with group numbers and duration of green light.
  • OpenCar: Choosing no node will send the information to all available RF-Basis nodes.
  • Partial release of track route items if it cannot release all when entering a new lane.
  • Experimental: Extra partial release of track route items while driving on them.
  • Action to start car route has been changed. First item set to 'No route' instead of 'Route unchanged'.
  • Car option to switch light on/off automatically.
  • Better recovery and release of reservations when car moves to unexpected lane.
  • Control over usage of blinking lights per destination lane.
  • Ruler at the sides of the board to display the selection and to size the board.
  • Show feedback current if available as bar at the bottom.
  • Show short-circuit in block or feedback by blinking.
  • New curved turnouts introduced.
  • Extra address column for feedbacks, accessories, boosters and blocks in left table of editor.
  • Auto connect option removed. Will be replaced with an action that is activated at startup later on.
  • Use 'Direction' instead of 'Side' for blocks and lanes to allow them in one direction.
  • Comment tab added to settings. Can be used for general comments or comments on settings.
  • New extension .tcdz supported and the new default instead of that is still allowed.
  • Current file path relative to the base path visible at the title bar on the Master Client.
  • Show UID for MFX-locs and used with TAMS firmware 2.0 when using M3.
  • Export with correct length and speed unit.
  • Opening another project will ask for confirmation to save the changes.
  • Background color of some tabbed panes not white anymore in Windows.
  • Some long forms made with a scrollbar when necessary.
  • Drop down lists not sorted alphabetically on name anymore, but in order of definition.
  • New functions for vehicles.
  • Improve drawing performance switchboard.
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iTrain 5 Ultimate

£460.00 inc. VAT